Friday, July 2, 2010

In Kenya

Hey everyone,

We made it safely to Kenya after about 20 hours of travel. All of our luggage made it too! We are staying at a lovely place called the Methodist Guest House. Here is a picture of part of the guys room so you know that we aren't sleeping in huts...

The weather is pretty mild and actually really comfortable. Our team is getting along well (so far) and we are all excited to be here. Jerry, Jill, Ben, and Robin fly in tonight. We can't wait until the join us.

Since we will be updating almost daily, we are going to have a featured team member everyday.

Today's featured team member is Kenny Prawat...

Kenny is 26 and single. He resides in Savannah, Georgia where he is a graduate student at Savannah College of Art and Design. He is getting his MFA in Film and Television. He will be videoing and documenting the trip for two purposes: To make a documentary as a film project for a class and to give OasNet a new tool to show people around the world what OasNet does.
Kenny is a world traveler but this is his first time to Africa. We are happy to have him with us.

Tomorrow we are driving out to visit OasNet's land and to survey the property. Sunday we will begin our ministry portion of the trip.

Continue to pray for us as we get acclimated to the culture, climate, and time change.

That is all for today. See you tomorrow.

Grace and Peace.

The OasNet Team - Lucas, Becky, Justin, Hayley, Sarah, and Kenny

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