Friday, July 9, 2010


Hey everyone, Justin here. I just to give a quick update of the trip.

We spent one night in Iganga, Uganda where David and Agnes Kyakulaga have an amazing local ministry. This trip has blown us all away, but I must say we really enjoyed this leg of the trip.

Not only has David started his own (successful) business in order to bring in money for the ministry, he has an orphanage he is currently running and hopes to provide a new building for the kids soon. They have a primary school for needy kids, they oversee 10 local churches, and the congregation is just generally full of joy.

The love of God is truly evident in their ministry.

Lucas taught this morning at the church and gave me a bit of time to share too. After the service we prayed for healing for a lot of people and of course God never fails : )

I definitely miss being home and God has been shaping my vision for the future and where my place is in ministry, but these kids are adorable. The people here, more than anything, need love. They need to know how much God values them. The same goes for any part of the world but when you step into a poverty situation, it truly does open your eyes to the need for real Love.

And this is the message we are bringing them - For God so love the WHOLE world that He gave us Jesus. And through Jesus we can have life. Real life.

I can speak for the whole team when I say that we feel more blessed by the people here than what we can offer them.

Grace and Peace.

- Justin

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update Justin. I've been praying for all of you. Please tell Sway and Becky that I love and miss them.
