Friday, July 2, 2010

Visiting the OasNet Ranch

So far we've spent the last day and a half acclimating to the altitude, taking our antimalarials, and the 7 hour time change here in Nairobi. This has included a couple short drives, some walks to area restuarants, and a trip to a local shopping plaza, not to mention several tea parties (pretty strong British influence here). Tomorrow though it's time to get serious. We'll leave tomorrow morning to head to the "OasNet Ranch", a 40 acre remote property that the Oasis Network For Churches, courtesy of many faithful partners and the leadership of Oasis Wauseon, purchased around 9 years ago. This land is home to a large, but unfinished home, and a well, that's functionality is currently in question. Tomorrow we'll load up our gear and hit the road for the 1.5 hr drive out to the property. At one time this land was used as a farm and served as a well for the area's poor and needy. Our goal is to begin gathering data to see this property once again become "an Oasis" for the people of region. For our team, this will include gathering information about the house, the soil, elevation, install new locks on the house, so it doesn't become home to squaters, and to get thorough video and photographs of the property so that we can begin to make plans to get a family living on it - my goal is in the next 24 months. Each member of the team has a different role tomorrow, from taking GPS measurements, photographs, video footage (2 cameras), doing interviews, making lunch, measuring the fittings on the well, and examing the house for needs and creating a list of ideas and updates.

If all goes well, our team will most likely be making an additional trip to the land towards the end of our stay, following up with any immediate needs.

Tomorrow we'll be joined by Pst Steve and Pst Josphat, two local Nairobi-land OasNet pastors. Both of these guys were crucial in our acquiring the property.

Also for those of you who have been here before, we'll be looking for your trees and interesting to see the condition we find everything.

Pray for our trip tomorrow, safety on the road, safety on the land (including protection from wildlife...this is Africa!) and probably most of all to see in this property what God sees. Also, be praying for hearts of those who will be living on this land some day...I really believe its going to take a team and we are expecting for God to begin putting these people together.


  1. Hey Guys! Fun to be able to follow your progress there! Paul and I are such visionaries I can already see it in my mind! Wish we could be there.... who will be doing the rehab? Will you return or are there people there that can do it? Will be praying for great progress and your safety! Blessings from The Well team!

  2. Totally looking for partnerships and follow up teams....shaking the place with grace.
