Sunday, July 11, 2010

Team Effort

Today was a busy day for all of us. We split up into groups and went to 4 different churches to preach this morning.
Lucas and Becky went to Bishop Steven's Church.
Justin and Sarah went to Agape Kingston.
Kenny, Hayley, and Jill went to Pastor Benson's Church.
And Jill, Ben, and Robyn went to Agape Reuben.

Over all we were able to minister to around 700 people at the same time. The most important thing was that we all preached a similar, grace filled message. Our desire is to see the people here changed from the inside out so that they will become world changers.

If God can use our team, just simple people from the Midwest, he can surely use anyone.

We are on the final leg of our time in Africa. Monday we will be in a school, teaching and observing. Tuesday is a Safari in Nairobi National Park. And Wednesday we head home. Even though it will only be about 2 weeks, it feels like a month. We have done so much, met so many people, and had many experiences.

We are all happy though. We can see what grace is doing in this community and we thank God for it.

-The Team

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